


  • Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media
  • 64 bit audio engine
  • Excellent low-latency performance
  • Stunning multiprocessor performance
  • Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
  • Extremely flexible routing
  • Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
  • Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
  • ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
  • Tightly coded - installer is just over 3MB
  • and more...

  • Editing features
    • Tool-less mouse interface -- spend less time clicking
    • Drag and drop files to instantly import them into a project
    • Support for mixing any combination of file type/samplerate/bit depth on each track
    • Easily split, move, and resize items
    • Each item has easily manipulated fades and volume
    • Tab to transient support
    • Configurable and editable automatic crossfading of overlapping items
    • Per-item pitch shift and time stretch
    • Arbitrary item grouping
    • Markers and envelopes can be moved in logical sync with editing operations
    • Ripple editing - moving/deletion of items can optionally affect later items
    • Multiple tempos and time signatures per project
    • Ability to define and edit project via regions
    • Automation envelopes
Review from Hamish:

I have been using reaper for a few months, payed $60 australian dollars for my 'non commercial' licence.

In my humble opinion it is the best VSTi and VST FX host around. I have used herman seibs VST host, and still like it as a patch editor/librarian.

The audio routing is phenomenal coming as I did from various versions of logic, much more flexible. REAPER also gives you complete control of the rendering process which I don't believe any other application does.

On the helpful forum there have often been criticisms of the midi editing capabilities, and Feature Requests for various things found in cubase, logic or sonar. Coming from logic was a shock as I made heavy use of all the logic editors, and now had only piano roll or event edit. The major midi playing card that REAPER gives you is VST and JS midi FX, this is gives you the power to make limitless non-destructive editing in real time, which is very much the philosophy of REAPER.

I have been using REAPER for more than 8 builds now, and I will stay as long as the program remains healthy.



The Sonalksis FreeG is an intuitive tool that can be used for a variety of applications to increase the control and flexibility of the signal flow in the insert chain of the host.

To make the workflow and the overview of the signal processing easier, FreeG provides extended, customizable metering features and settings.

When working with digital audio, lack of fine metering and extended signal flow control in the host is a common issue. The intentions with FreeG is to improve the workflow in the host by providing these features in the insert chain.

By providing the possibilites of extended control of amplitude, phase and pan (stereo version) in the insert chain as well as fine metering, with user configurable industry standard parameter options, the range of applications for FreeG is almost only limited to the context of the actual usage and of course, the insert chain.



NoteEdit is a free music score editor for Linux. It supports an unlimited number and length of staffs, polyphony, a MIDI playback of written notes, chord markings, lyrics, a number of import and export filters to many formats like MIDI, MusicXML, ABC Music, MUP, PMX, MusiXTeX and LilyPond and more.


* Insertion/deletion/modification of notes, rests (and multirests), ties/slurs, stem/beam control, instrument changes, repeats, clef/time/key/volume/tempo and all other classical music notation signatures.
* Chords markings (based on KGuitar project)
* Dynamic expression markings ((de)crescendo, octaviation, arpeggio, fermata, trills, grace notes etc.).
* Fixed expression markings (staccato, sforzato, portato, strong pizzicato, sforzando etc.).
* Multiple voices per staff (polyphony).
* Drum notes (including drum and bass drum clef).
* Flexible UI based on Qt/KDE. Supports zoom, multiple windows, many keyboard shortcuts, Konqueror embedding and other candies.
* Playback and other MIDI operations (reading and recording from MIDI keyboard) are done using TSE3 library. Each staff can have its own channel, own intsrument and own MIDI settings (reverbation, chorus). Currently played element is highlighted!
* Support for lyrics.
* Basic score layout operations (setting brackets, braces, score title, composer, copyright etc.).
* Many useful tools like automatic placment of bars, automatic placement of beams, transposition, copying&pasting of elements, optimization and resetting of accidentals, MIDI importing (or recording from MIDI keyboard) filters etc.
* Exports MIDI (using TSE3 library), MusicXML, ABC Music, PMX, MusiXTeX and LilyPond.
* Imports MIDI and MusicXML.
* The NoteEdit fileformat is similar to the format of the music publication program (MUP). It's a plaintext format, with a simple syntax for describing the music, so computer geeks can edit it by hand if they want to:).
* NoteEdit is translated into the following languages: German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Slovene and Swedish. It supports UTF-8 encodings for lyrics, score title, composer, copyright and other document strings.

WMA to MP3 Converter


Free WMA to MP3 Converter can convert Windows Media files to MP3 files which can be played in MP3 Players. All Windows Media formats (*.wma, *.wmv, *.asf) are supported. The program is a freeware and does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.

Finale NotePad

Finale Music

MIDI Support includes the ability to import and export Format 1 MIDI files, input notes in step time using your MIDI keyboard, and playback via any external MIDI device.

Setup Wizard lets you select the instruments or voices you need, then sets up your score automatically.

Hear it like you see it! Your music deserves to be heard with all the feeling, phrasing, and nuance you felt when you wrote it. The Human Playback feature will play your music as you would want it to be performed, even if you enter notes manually.



Denemo is a music notation program for Linux that helps you quickly prepare notation for publishing with Lilypond. Denemo does NOT strive to display all notation graphically or be the most complete graphic enviroment. Denemo is a front end to Lilypond. If you are looking for a WYSIWYG editor Denemo may not be for you. If you are looking for a way to quickly prepare scores for final editing in LilyPond give Denemo a whirl