Arizona Software
AudioXplorer is a powerful sound analyzer application.
AudioXplorer is a powerful sound analyzer application.
- Real-time analysis: AudioXplorer provides real-time analysis window where user can visualize the sound, spectrum and sonogram. Several real-time windows can be opened simultaneously.
- Static analysis: AudioXplorer provides static analysis window: user can record or generate any sound and performs operation on it. Sound from the real-time window can be dragged at any time to the static window for more analysis.
- Easy-to-use: AudioXplorer is very easy to use with it Aqua interface (several windows can be opened at a time, drag-and-drop support, view appearance can be customized).
- Plug-ins and Audio Units Effects: AudioXplorer supports its own Cocoa plug-ins architecture as well as Audio Units Effects plug-ins.
- Record sound directly inside AudioXplorer from any source.
- Generate sound (sinus, triangle, sawtooth, etc.).
- Import any QuickTime compatible sound file (MP3, MP4, WAV, SND, etc.).
- Export file in AIFF format.
- Fullscreen option for static and real-time window for better presentation.
- Static window can have several predefined page layout.
- Unlimited number of views per static window.
- Unlimited number of static windows.
- Unlimited number of real-time windows.
- Export view as TIFF, PDF, EPS or raw data.
- Print view.