Hermann Seib

SAVIHost is a derivative version of VSTHost that can be used to make any VSTi run like a standalone application.

This offers two major advantages:

  1. VSTi can be used (tested, checked or tried) easily and directly without the need or search for another host.
  2. VSTi can be distributed to be tested in a temporary directory without the need of the presence of another host or to search for a dedicated VSTPlugIns-subdirectory. The VSTi-dll can still be used within other hosts like Cubase, Sonar etc. when copied to that host's VSTPlugins-subdirectory.

For use just rename SAVIHost.exe to the corresponding VSTi.dll e.g. if there is abc123.dll rename SAVIHost.exe to abc123.exe and this will run the VSTi.